"Obesity is on the rise. Children are becoming it's number one target!"
"Heart disease is running rampant!"
"I feel like my family doesn't talk to each other!"
What do all of these statements have in common?
The extinction of the family dinner table.
How often do we drive through the drive thru and eat in the car? How often do we eat dinner sitting in front of the TV or standing at the counter because our table isn't cleared? How often are we intentional about serving our family home cooked meals around the dinner table? I can assure you, that is often NOT my focus. I am usually ill prepared and just trying to shove something at the kids to eat so they will stop whining. Dinner time is not pretty around these parts. I want that to change.
The extinction of the family dinner table.
How often do we drive through the drive thru and eat in the car? How often do we eat dinner sitting in front of the TV or standing at the counter because our table isn't cleared? How often are we intentional about serving our family home cooked meals around the dinner table? I can assure you, that is often NOT my focus. I am usually ill prepared and just trying to shove something at the kids to eat so they will stop whining. Dinner time is not pretty around these parts. I want that to change.
Every year around this time in December, my husband and I begin to think about our goals for the New Year. We always begin with a vengeance but end up flopping by mid April (if we make it that long). This year we decided to go for the gusto! We were going to choose one huge goal that would encompass all of the small goals we always want to reach. This coming year, 2012, the Davis family will not be eating out. Our goal is to not eat out once. To always be sitting at the dinner table eating a healthy meal and spending much needed family time together. This year we are going for the prize!
This blog is a journal of the adventure we are going to be embarking on and to document just how we did it when the "nay" sayers are in awe!
Now please click the RSS button or the Follow button and join me! I can use all the help I can get! :)
Next entry will be discussing just what you can expect from this blog and how you will be able to take part and use it as a resource!
This sounds awesome can't wait to hear all about it!
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