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Monday, February 15, 2016

A Gift

The same argument.

The same consequence.

Over and over again.

Time and time again.

So many times I get discouraged. What am I do? Am I doing it right?

I must not be. They don't hear me. What is going on?

Day in and day out. Over and over. And now... My husband and I are discussing bringing our kids home from the government ran education system.

What. Am. I. Thinking?

Clearly I'm not.

But then I look to scripture...

Say what?! Is this a white elephant gift? These children are a gift from God?

Then I sit and watch.

A smile. A hug. Laughter. Sharing. Bickering. Learning. Belonging. Growing. Loving.

It is a gift. I am doing kingdom work. I am doing His work. I am shaping the future for the kingdom of God. I am raising an army.

These little squabbles are perplexing and aggravating but they are necessary. Necessary times for my to shepherd these young hearts. Times for my to choose grace instead of anger. Forgiveness instead of grudges.

We are on a journey together - child and mother. We are a long road to becoming the ones called us to be. We are His.

Even in the exhaustion in the day to day grind. Children are a gift. I am abundantly blessed to be called mother and raise them for the kingdom.


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